prof. dr hab. Stanisław Migórski


  • Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UJ
  • Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania
  • Katedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania


Stanisław Migórski, Yang Chao, Jiahong He, Sylwia Dudek
Analysis of quasi-variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications to Bingham-type fluids, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation vol. 133 (2024), 107968
Ze Yuan, Zijia Peng, Zhenhai Liu, Stanisław Migórski
A generalized penalty method for a new class of differential inequality system, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation vol. 129 (2024), 107704, 32p.
Shengda Zeng, Stanisław Migórski, Yongjian Liu
Stanisław Migórski, Sylwia Dudek
Well-Posedness of Steady-State Bingham Type System by a Quasi Variational-Hemivariational Approach vol. 786, 185-213 (2023), "Contemporary Mathematics, Volume: 786; Mathematical Modeling: Principle and Theory", American Mathematical Society (AMS)
A class of impulsive history-dependent evolution inclusions with applications, Applied Analysis and Optimization vol. 5, number 2 (2021), 263-278
Cen Jinxia, Stanisław Migórski, Van Thien Nguyen, Shengda Zeng
Generalized Variational-hemivariational Inequalities in Fuzzy Environment, Chapter 6, (2021), "Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems, B. Jadamba, A.A. Khan, S. Migorski, M. Sama (Editors)", CRC Press (gałąź Taylor & Francis Group)
Stanisław Migórski, Dariusz Pączka
Frictional Contact Problems for Steady Flow of Incompressible Fluids in Orlicz Spaces, Chapter 1, pages 1-53, (2019), "Current Trends in Mathematical Analysis and Its Interdisciplinary Applications", Birkhäuser
Stanisław Migórski, Mircea Sofonea
Variational-Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications vol. Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics , CRC Press (gałąź Taylor & Francis Group), 2018
Stanisław Migórski, Mircea Sofonea
A History-Dependent Variational-Hemivariational Inequality in Contact Mechanics, (2017), "F. dell’Isola et al. (eds.), Mathematical Modelling in Solid Mechanics, Advanced Structured Materials 69", Springer
A multivalued variational inequality with unilateral constraints vol. 494 (2016), "System Modeling and Optimization", Springer
Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea
Evolutionary inclusions and hemivariational inequalities vol. Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Vol. 33, Chapter 2 (2015), "Advances in Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications, Editors: W. Han. S. Migorski, M. Sofonea", Springer
Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea
Two history-dependent contact problems vol. Series: Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Vol. 33, Chapter 14, 355-380 (2015), "Advances in Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications, Editors: W. Han. S. Migorski, M. Sofonea", Springer
Sensitivity of the solution set to second order evolution inclusions vol. 443 (2014), "System Modeling and Optimization, Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology", Springer
Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea
A class of history-dependent inclusions with applications to contact problems vol. 86 (2014), "Optimization and Control Techniques and Applications", Springer
Jose Ramon Fernandez, Piotr Kalita, Stanisław Migórski, Maria del Carmen Muniz, Cristina Nunez
Variational and numerical analysis of a mixed kinetic-diffusion surfactant model for the modified the Langmuir-Hinshelwood equation, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference On Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Cmmse 2013 (2013), 601-614
Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea
History-dependent hemivariational inequalities with applications to Contact Mechanics, Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical Series) vol. 4 (LXII) (2013), 193-212
Stanisław Migórski, Anna Ochal, Mircea Sofonea
Nonlinear Inclusions and Hemivariational Inequalities. Models and Analysis of Contact Problems vol. Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, vol. 26 , Springer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing), 2013
Barbara Barabasz, Stanisław Migórski, Maciej Paszyński, Robert Schaefer
Nonconvex Inequality Models for Contact Problems of Nonsmooth Mechanics vol. 1 (2010), "Computer Methods in Mechanics, Advanced Structured Materials", Springer
Evolution Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications, (2010), "Handbook of Nonconvex Analysis and Applications, Chapter 8, D. Y. Gao and D. Motreanu (eds.)", International Press, Boston
Optimal Control of a Viscoelastic Contact Problem Described by an Evolution Hemivariational Inequality, (2007), "Frontiers in Optimization and Control", The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
On Sensitivity of Optimal Solutions to Control Problems for Hyperbolic Hemivariational Inequalities, (2005), "Control and Boundary Analysis", Marcel Dekker (gałąź Taylor & Francis Group)
Existence of Solutions to Evolution Second Order Hemi- variational Inequalities with Multivalued Damping, (2005), "System Modeling and Optimization", Springer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing)
Modeling and Analysis of Mechanical Problems by Hemivariational Inequalities, (2003), "Computational Methods in Engineering and Science", CRC Press (gałąź Taylor & Francis Group)
Modeling, Analysis and Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Hemivariational Inequalities, Chapter 7, (2003), "Industrial Mathematics and Statistics (dedicated to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India)", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India
Identi cation and Control of Strongly Damped Nonlinear Hyperbolic Problems with Applications, (2003), "Recent Development in Theories and Numerics", World Scientific Publishing
Modeling and Identi cation in a Dynamic Viscoelastic Contact Problem with Normal Damped Response and Friction vol. CRC/Balkema (2003), "Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2003", Elsevier Science
Zdzisław Denkowski, Stanisław Migórski, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Theory vol. p. 683 , Springer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing), 2003
Zdzisław Denkowski, Stanisław Migórski, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou
An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis: Applications vol. p. 822 , Springer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing), 2003
Inverse Coecient Problem for Elliptic Hemivariational Inequality vol. Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 50 (2001), "Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics: Modeling, Analysis and Numerical Methods", Springer Verlag (połaczony z Kluwer Academic Publishing)
Parameter Identi cation for Evolution Hemivariational Inequalities and Applications, (2001), "Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2001", Elsevier Science
Identi cation Coecient Problems for Elliptic Hemivariational Inequalities and Applications, (2000), "Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics 2000", Elsevier Science
Boundary Homogenization Technique for Estimation of Coefficients in Elliptic Equations, (1998), "Mathematical Aspects for Inverse Problems", The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Optimal Shape Design for Elliptic Hemivariational Inequalities in Nonlinear Elasticity vol. International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 124 (1998), "Variational Calculus, Optimal Control and Applications", Birkhäuser
Identification of nonlinear heat transfer laws in problems modeled by hemivariational inequalities vol. (MR1675127) (1998), "Inverse problems in engineering mechanics", Elsevier Science
Optimal Shape Design for Hemivariational Inequalities, Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Matematica vol. 36 (1998), 81-88
Homogenization of Hyperbolic-Parabolic Equations in Perforated Domains, Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Matematica (1996), 59-72
A Stability Result for Parameter Identification Problems in Nonlinear Parabolic Problems, International Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences vol. 18(1) (1995), 25-32
Existence and Relaxation Results for Nonlinear Evolution Inclusions Revisited, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis vol. 8(2) (1995), 143-149
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Inverse Problems for Nonlinear Filtration Process vol. CRC/Balkema (1994), "Inverse Problems in Engineering Mechanics", CRC Press (gałąź Taylor & Francis Group)
Stanisław Migórski, Robert Schaefer
Inverse Problems for the Nonstationary Prelinear Filtration Model, (1992), "Computational Fluid Dynamics", Elsevier Science


Guangxi Mathematical Society meeting , Guangxi Mathematical Society, Liuzhou, Chiny, 2023-10-27 - 2023-10-29
Recent Advances of Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Problems, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2019-05-31 - 2019-06-03
3rd Conference on Biomathematics , 北部湾大学, Qinzhou, P.R. China, 2019-03-23 - 2019-03-24
The Third Guangxi Conference on Mathematical Biology, 北部湾大学, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, P.R. China, 2019-03-22 - 2019-03-24
Control of State Constrained Dynamical Systems, Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita di Padova, Padova, Italy, 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-29
Conference on Mathematical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics, LAMPS, University of Perpignan, Perpignan, France, 2017-09-06 - 2017-09-08
7th German-Polish Conference on Optimization, IM PAN, Będlewo k. Poznania, Polska, 2017-08-27 - 2017-09-01
SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT17), SIAM, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2017-07-10 - 2017-07-12
Conference at Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, 3. Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanning, Guangxi, P.R. China, 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-21
The 4th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Mechanics of Structures and Materials (IPM2017), Rzeszow University of Technology, Krasiczyn, Polska, 2017-05-31 - 2017-06-02
Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, The LAboratory of Mathematics and PhySics (LAMPS) of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, Francja, 2016-05-30 - 2016-06-03
Eighth Contact Mechanics International Symposium, IPPT PAN, Warsaw, Poland, 2016-05-11 - 2016-05-13
Workshop on fluid-structure interactions: an asymptotic approach, Universidade da Coruña, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Coruña, Spain, 2015-10-08 - 2015-10-09
2015 International Conference on Partial Differential Equations, Engineering Information Institute, Shanghai, P. R. China, 2015-07-19 - 2015-07-21
27th IFIP TC7 Conference 2015 on System Modelling and Optimization, Universite Nice, Sophia Antipolis and INRIA Laboratoire J.-A. Dieudonne, Nice, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-03
Perpignan's Days on Applied Mathematics, The LAboratory of Mathematics and PhySics (LAMPS) of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, Francja, 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-12
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Overseas Famous Teacher, 电子科技大学, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, P. R. China, 2015-04-28 - 2015-04-28
University of South China Overseas Famous Teacher, 南华大学, School of Mathematics and Physics, University of South China, Hengyang, Hunan, Hengyang, Hunan, P. R. China, 2015-04-17 - 2015-04-17
Hunan Institute of Science and Technology Overseas Famous Teacher, 湖南理工学院, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Yueyang, Hunan, P. R. China, 2015-04-08 - 2015-04-08
Overseas Famous Teacher, 湖南城市学院, Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan, P. R. China, 2015-03-31 - 2015-03-31
The 3rd International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2015-02-20 - 2015-02-26
Workshop on Applications of Modern Mathematics and Mechanics 2015, Faculty of Science of Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech republic, 2015-02-02 - 2015-02-06
The International Conference on Complex and Hybrid Systems with Applications, 华中科技大学, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, National Science Foundation of China, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China, 2014-07-05 - 2014-07-08
International Workshop on Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities: Theory, Numerics, and Applications, 西安交通大学, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, 2014-06-28 - 2014-06-30
International Symposium on Modern Mathematics and Mechanics, Faculty of Science of Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2014-06-23 - 2014-06-27
2nd International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences (MCSS '14), Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, 2014-05-15 - 2014-05-17
The 6th German Polish Conference on Optimization - Methods and Applications with special emphasis on Smooth and Nonsmooth Optimization, Variational Problems, Variational Inequalities, and Optimal Control (GPCO6), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg and the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Leucorea in Wittenberg, Germany, 2014-02-28 - 2014-03-04
The 2013 World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO III), International Society of Global Optimization; Anhui University of Science and Tech., etc., Huangshan, Anhui, P. R. China, 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-12
VI Sympozjum Nieliniowej Analizy, Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Torun, Poland, 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-11

Konferencje organizowane:

The 2013 World Congress on Global Optimization (WCGO III), Huangshan, Anhui, P.R. China, 2013-07-07, 2013-07-12
Dynamical Systems and Applications II, Lodz, Poland, 2014-06-12, 2014-06-12

Doktoranci (po 27 października 2003 roku)

Anna Kulig2008-06-262010-10-28
Krzysztof Bartosz2005-11-242007-12-20
Katarzyna Adamska2004-06-24 
Paweł Szafraniec2015-03-262017-09-28
Jiangfeng Han2015-05-282016-06-30
Tomasz Janiczko2015-05-28 
Biao Zeng2017-12-212019-03-28
Shengda Zeng2018-11-292019-11-07
Yunru Bai2018-11-292020-11-26

Recenzje (po 27 października 2003 roku)

RecenzowanyJednostkaTreść recenzji
Habilitacja: Leszek GasińskiKatedra Teorii Optymalizacji i Sterowania 
Doktorat: Piotr KalitaKatedra Matematyki Obliczeniowej 
Doktorat: Jacek Gruszczyński 

Granty (realizowane po maju 2009 roku)