Instytut Informatyki Analitycznej - lista publikacji
1-18 z 18.
Kevin Beanland, Dmitriy Gorovoy, Jędrzej Hodor, Daniil Homza
Counting unions of Schreier sets, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society vol. 110 (1) (2023), 19-31
Dmitriy Zhuk, Barnaby Martin, Michał Wrona
The complete classification for quantified equality constraints, ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SODA], (2023), 2746-2760
Libor Barto, Bertalan Bodor, Marcin Kozik, Antoine Mottet, Michael Pinsker
Symmetries of Graphs and Structures that Fail to Interpret a Finite Thing, IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science [LICS] vol. brak (2023), 1-13
Jean Cardinal, Kolja Knauer, Piotr Micek, Dömötör Pálvölgyi, Torsten Ueckerdt, Narmada Varadarajan
Colouring bottomless rectangles and arborescences, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications vol. 115 (2023), 1-17
James Davies, Tomasz Krawczyk, Rose McCarty, Bartosz Walczak
Grounded L-graphs are polynomially χ-bounded, Discrete and Computational Geometry vol. 70 (2023), 1523-1550
Robert Janczewski, Krzysztof Turowski, Bartłomiej Wróblewski
Edge coloring of graphs of signed class 1 and 2, Discrete Applied Mathematics vol. 338 (2023), 311-319
Grzegorz Gutowski, Konstanty Junosza-Szaniawski, Felix Klessen, Paweł Rzążewski, Alexander Wolff, Johannes Zink
Coloring and Recognizing Mixed Interval Graphs, International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation [ISAAC] vol. 283 (2023), 36:1-36:14
Marcin Anholcer, Bartłomiej Bosek, Jarosław Grytczuk, Grzegorz Gutowski, Jakub Przybyło, Rafał Pyzik, Mariusz Zając
On a problem of Steinhaus, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society vol. 55 (6) (2023), 2635-2652
Marcin Briański, Gwenaël Joret, Konrad Majewski, Piotr Micek, Michał Seweryn, Roohani Sharma
Treedepth vs circumference, Combinatorica vol. 43 (2023), 659-664
Deniz Agaoglu Çagirici, Onur Çagirici, Jan Derbisz, Tim A. Hartmann, Petr Hlinený, Jan Kratochvíl, Tomasz Krawczyk, Peter Zeman
Recognizing H-Graphs - Beyond Circular-Arc Graphs, International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science [MFCS] vol. LIPIcs 272 (2023), 8:1-8:14
Jakub Kozik, Andrzej Dorobisz
Local Computation Algorithms for Hypergraph Coloring - Following Beck’s Approach, International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming [ICALP](MAIN) vol. 261 (LIPIcs) (2023), 48:1-48:20
Mikkel Abrahamsen, Bartosz Walczak
Distinguishing classes of intersection graphs of homothets or similarities of two convex disks, International Symposium on Computational Geometry [SoCG] vol. 258 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) (2023), 2:1-2:16
Grzegorz Herman, Grzegorz Gawryał
Aggregating Pairwise Information Over Optimal Routes, International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems [VEHITS], (2023), 344-352
Long-Distance Directional Dial-a-Ride Problems, International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems [VEHITS], (2023), 187-197
Antonios Antoniadis, Christian Coester, Marek Elias, Adam Polak, Bertrand Simon
Online Metric Algorithms with Untrusted Predictions, ACM Transactions on Algorithms vol. 19 (2023), 1-34
James Davies, Tomasz Krawczyk, Rose McCarty, Bartosz Walczak
Coloring polygon visibility graphs and their generalizations, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B vol. 161 (2023), 268-300
Carla Groenland, Gwenaël Joret, Wojciech Nadara, Bartosz Walczak
Approximating pathwidth for graphs of small treewidth, ACM Transactions on Algorithms vol. 19 (2023), 16:1-19
Grzegorz Gutowski, Florian Mittelstädt, Ignaz Rutter, Joachim Spoerhase, Alexander Wolff, Johannes Zink
Coloring Mixed and Directional Interval Graphs, Graph Drawing [GD] vol. 13764 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (2023), 418-431