dr Lech Duraj


  • Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UJ
  • Instytut Informatyki Analitycznej
  • Katedra Algorytmiki

DoktoratOtwarcie: 2008-06-26, Zamknięcie: 2010-12-16


Lech Duraj, Jakub Kozik, Dmitry A. Shabanov
Random hypergraphs and property B, European Journal of Combinatorics vol. Volume 91, January 2021, 103205 (2021), 1-11
Lech Duraj, Krzysztof Kleiner, Adam Polak, Virginia Vassilevska Williams
Equivalences between triangle and range query problems, ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SODA], (2020),
A Sub-Quadratic Algorithm for the Longest Common Increasing Subsequence Problem, International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science [STACS] vol. 37th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS 2020) (2020), 41:1-41:18
Lech Duraj, Krzysztof Kleiner, Adam Polak, Virginia Vassilevska Williams
Equivalences between triangle and range query problems, Acm-siam Symposium On Discrete Algorithms 2020 (soda'20) (2020), 30-47
A Note on Two-Colorability of Nonuniform Hypergraphs, International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming [ICALP] vol. 107 (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics) (2018), 46:1-46:13

Granty (realizowane po maju 2009 roku)