mgr Adam Pardyl
Bartosz Zieliński, Adam Pardyl, Grzegorz Kurzejamski, Jan Olszewski, Tomasz Trzciński
Beyond Grids: Exploring Elastic Input Sampling for Vision Transformers, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision [WACV](MAIN), (2025),
AdaGlimpse: Active Visual Exploration with Arbitrary Glimpse Position and Scale, European Conference on Computer Vision [ECCV], (2025), 112-129
ProPML: Probability Partial Multi-label Learning, IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics [DSAA], (2023), 1-8
Bartosz Zieliński, Adam Pardyl, Dawid Rymarczyk, Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska, Dariusz Kucharski, Andrzej Brodzicki, Julia Lasek, Zofia Schneider, Iwona Kucybała, Andrzej Urbanik, Rafał Obuchowicz, Zbisław Tabor
CompLung: Comprehensive Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Lung Cancer, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence [ECAI] vol. 372 (2023), 1835 - 1842
Bartosz Zieliński, Adam Pardyl, Grzegorz Rypeść, Grzegorz Kurzejamski, Tomasz Trzciński
Active Visual Exploration Based on Attention-Map Entropy, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [IJCAI](MAIN), (2023), 1303-1311
Automating Patient-Level Lung Cancer Diagnosis in Different Data Regimes, International Conference on Neural Information Processing [ICONIP](MAIN) vol. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1794 (2023), 13–24
ProtoMIL: Multiple Instance Learning with Prototypical Parts for Whole-Slide Image Classification, European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Database [ECML PKDD](MAIN) vol. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13713 (2022), 421-436