dr hab. Michał Wrona, prof. UJ


  • Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki UJ
  • Instytut Informatyki Analitycznej
  • Katedra Algorytmiki

HabilitacjaOtwarcie: 2022-02-10, Zamknięcie: 2023-01-26


Jakub Rydval, Zaneta Semanisinova, Michał Wrona
Identifying Tractable Quantified Temporal Constraints Within Ord-Horn, International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming [ICALP] vol. 297 (2024), 20
Dmitriy Zhuk, Barnaby Martin, Michał Wrona
The complete classification for quantified equality constraints, ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [SODA], (2023), 2746-2760
Antoine Mottet, Tomáš Nagy, Michael Pinsker, Michał Wrona
Smooth Approximations and Relational Width Collapses, International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming [ICALP] vol. LIPIcs 198, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik 2021 (2021), 138:1-138:20
On The Relational Width of First-Order Expansions of Finitely Bounded Homogeneous Binary Cores with Bounded Strict Width, IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science [LICS] vol. 35TH ANNUAL ACM/IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2020) (2020), 958-971
Relational Width of First-Order Expansions of Homogeneous Graphs with Bounded Strict Width, International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science [STACS] vol. 154 (LIPIcs) (2020), 39:1-39:16
Johannes Schmidt, Michał Wrona
The Complexity of Abduction for Equality Constraint Languages, Lipics–leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics vol. 23 (2013), 615-633
Hubie Chen, Michał Wrona
Guarded Ord-Horn: A Tractable Fragment of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction, 19th International Symposium On Temporal Representation and Reasoning (2012), 99-106
Manuel Bodirsky, Michał Wrona
Equivalence Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Lipics - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (2012), 122-136
Witold Charatonik, Michał Wrona
2-SAT Problems in Some Multi-Valued Logics Based on Finite Lattices, 37th International Symposium On Multiple-valued Logic, Ismvl 2007 vol. IEEE Computer Society (2007), 21

Granty (realizowane po maju 2009 roku)