International Journal of Agriculture and Biology | INT J AGRIC BIOL | 1560-8530 |
International Journal of Agronomy | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY | 1687-8159 |
International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AIR-CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION | 2010-1325 |
International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG RESEARCH | 1925-7066 |
International Journal of Algebra and Computation | INT J ALGEBR COMPUT | 0218-1967 |
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE | 2090-8024 |
International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMBIENT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENCE | 1941-6237 |
International Journal of Ambient Energy | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMBIENT ENERGY | 0143-0750 |
International Journal of American Linguistics | INT J AM LINGUIST | 0020-7071 |
International Journal of Analysis | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANALYSIS | 2314-498X |
International Journal of Analysis and Applications | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS | 2291-8639 |
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY | 1687-8760 |
International Journal of Andrology | INT J ANDROL | 0105-6263 |
International Journal of Angiology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANGIOLOGY | 1061-1711 |
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation | INT J ANTENN PROPAG | 1687-5869 |
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents | INT J ANTIMICROB AG | 0924-8579 |
International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS | 2349-5103 |
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Economics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS | 2160-9802 |
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology | INT J APPL CERAM TEC | 1546-542X |
International Journal of Applied Cryptography | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYPTOGRAPHY | 1753-0563 |
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED DECISION SCIENCES | 1755-8077 |
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | INT J APPL EARTH OBS | 0303-2434 |
International Journal of Applied Educational Studies | | 1996-773X |
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics | INT J APPL ELECTROM | 1383-5416 |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH | 0976-4259 |
International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY | 2322-3537 |
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOSPATIAL RESEARCH | 1947-9654 |
International Journal of Applied Glass Science | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE | 2041-1286 |
International Journal of Applied Linguistics | | 0802-6106 |
International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE | 2200-3592 |
International Journal of Applied Management Science | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT SCIENCE | 1755-8913 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS | 1311-1728 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS | 0973-1377 |
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science | INT J AP MAT COM-POL | 1641-876X |
International Journal of Applied Mechanics | INT J APPL MECH | 1758-8251 |
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering | | 1734-4492 |
International Journal of Applied Metaheuristic Computing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED METAHEURISTIC COMPUTING | 1947-8283 |
International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED NONLINEAR SCIENCE | 1752-2862 |
International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PATTERN RECOGNITION | 2049-887X |
International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHARMACEUTICS | 0975-7058 |
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDIES | 1556-9187 |
International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine | INT J APPL RES VET M | 1542-2666 |
International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING | 1727-2394 |
International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED SYSTEMIC STUDIES | 1751-0589 |
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | INT J APPROX REASON | 0888-613X |
International Journal of Aquatic Biology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AQUATIC BIOLOGY | 2383-0956 |
International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH AND EDUCATION | 1932-9997 |
International Journal of Arabic-English Studies | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARABIC-ENGLISH STUDIES | 1680-0982 |
International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTONIC, SPATIAL, AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN | 2325-1662 |
International Journal of Architectural Computing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTING | 1478-0771 |