International Journal of Architectural Heritage | INT J ARCHIT HERIT | 1558-3058 |
International Journal of Art & Design Education | | |
International Journal of Art and Design Education | INT J ART DES EDUC | 1476-8062 |
International Journal of Art Therapy | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ART THERAPY | 1745-4832 |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 0974-0635 |
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education | | 1560-4292 |
International Journal of Artificial Organs | INT J ARTIF ORGANS | 0391-3988 |
International Journal of Arts and Sciences | | 1944-6934 |
International Journal of Arts and Technology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY | 1754-8853 |
International Journal of Arts Management | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT | 1480-8986 |
International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES | 1823-6243 |
International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIAN BUSINESS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT | 1947-9638 |
International Journal of Asian Studies | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES | 1479-5914 |
International Journal of Assessment and Evaluation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION | 2327-8692 |
International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASSESSMENT TOOLS IN EDUCATION | 2148-7456 |
International Journal of Astrobiology | INT J ASTROBIOL | 1473-5504 |
International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training | INT J ATHL THER TRAI | 2157-7277 |
International Journal of Audiology | INT J AUDIOL | 1499-2027 |
International Journal of Auditing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDITING | 1090-6738 |
International Journal of Automation and Computing | | 1476-8186 |
International Journal of Automation and Control | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMATION AND CONTROL | 1740-7516 |
International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMATION AND SMART TECHNOLOGY | 2223-9766 |
International Journal of Automation Technology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY | 1881-7629 |
International Journal of Automotive And Mechanical Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING | 2229-8649 |
International Journal of Automotive Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING | 2185-0984 |
International Journal of Automotive Technology | INT J AUTO TECH-KOR | 1229-9138 |
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT | 1470-9511 |
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS | 1754-8632 |
International Journal of Aviation Aeronautics and Aerospace | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AVIATION AERONAUTICS AND AEROSPACE | 2374-6793 |
International Journal of Aviation Psychology | INT J AVIAT PSYCHOL | 1050-8414 |
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE | 0976-5921 |
International Journal of Bank Marketing | | 0265-2323 |
International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANKING, ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE | 1755-3830 |
International Journal of Behavioral Development | INT J BEHAV DEV | 0165-0254 |
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine | INT J BEHAV MED | 1070-5503 |
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | INT J BEHAV NUTR PHY | 1479-5868 |
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering | INT J BIFURCAT CHAOS | 0218-1274 |
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism | INT J BILING EDUC BI | 1367-0050 |
International Journal of Bilingualism | INT J BILINGUAL | 1367-0069 |
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION | 1758-0366 |
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology | INT J BIOCHEM CELL B | 1357-2725 |
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystems Services and Management | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE, ECOSYSTEMS SERVICES AND MANAGEMENT | 2151-3732 |
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS | 1744-5485 |
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules | INT J BIOL MACROMOL | 0141-8130 |
International Journal of Biological Markers | INT J BIOL MARKER | 0393-6155 |
International Journal of Biological Sciences | INT J BIOL SCI | 1449-2288 |
International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | 1998-4510 |
International Journal of Biology and Chemistry | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY | 2218-7979 |
International Journal of Biomaterials | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS | 1687-8787 |
International Journal of Biomathematics | INT J BIOMATH | 1793-5245 |