
Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale1122-5750
Documenti GeograficiDOCUMENTI GEOGRAFICI2035-8792
Documents d Analisi GeograficaDOCUMENTS D ANALISI GEOGRAFICA0212-1573
Documents D'archéologie Méridionale0184-1068
Dog BehaviorDOG BEHAVIOR2421-0684
Dogu Bati1303-7242
Dohnányi Évkönyv1589-6145
Dokkyo Journal of Medical SciencesDOKKYO JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES0385-5023
Doklady Biochemistry and BiophysicsDOKL BIOCHEM BIOPHYS1607-6729
Doklady Biological SciencesDOKLADY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES0012-4966
Doklady ChemistryDOKL CHEM0012-5008
Doklady Earth SciencesDOKL EARTH SCI1028-334X
Doklady MathematicsDOKL MATH1064-5624
Doklady Natsionalnoi Akademii Nauk BelarusiDOKLADY NATSIONALNOI AKADEMII NAUK BELARUSI1561-8323
Doklady Physical ChemistryDOKL PHYS CHEM0012-5016
Doklady PhysicsDOKL PHYS1028-3358
Dolomites Research Notes on ApproximationDOLOMITES RESEARCH NOTES ON APPROXIMATION2035-6803
Domestic Animal EndocrinologyDOMEST ANIM ENDOCRIN0739-7240
Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and GynecologyDONALD SCHOOL JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY0973-614X
Dong wu xue yan jiu = Zoological research / "Dong wu xue yan jiu" bian ji wei yuan hui bian jiDONG WU XUE YAN JIU = ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH / "DONG WU XUE YAN JIU" BIAN JI WEI YUAN HUI BIAN JI0254-5853
Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern UniversityDONGBEI DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY1005-3026
Dongli Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Society of Power EngineeringDONGLI GONGCHENG XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF CHINESE SOCIETY OF POWER ENGINEERING1674-7607
Dongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition)DONGNAN DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN)/JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION)1001-0505
Douleur et AnalgesieDOULEUR ANALG1011-288X
Down BeatDOWN BEAT0012-5768
Downside ReviewDOWNSIDE REVIEW0012-5806
Doxa ComunicacionDOXA COMUNICACION1696-019X
Doxa-Cuadernos de Filosofia y DerechoDOXA-CUADERNOS DE FILOSOFIA Y DERECHO0214-8676
Dr Dobbs JournalDR DOBBS J1044-789X
TDR-The Drama Review-The Journal of Performance Studies1054-2043
Drama Therapy ReviewDRAMA THERAPY REVIEW2054-7668
Dresdener Kunstblätter0418-0615
Dress-The Journal of the Costume Society of AmericaDRESS-THE JOURNAL OF THE COSTUME SOCIETY OF AMERICA0361-2112
Drevnyaya Rus-Voprosy MedievistikiDREVNYAYA RUS-VOPROSY MEDIEVISTIKI2071-9574
Drewno. Prace Naukowe. Doniesienia. Komunikaty
Drilling Fluid and Completion FluidDRILLING FLUID AND COMPLETION FLUID1001-5620
Drinking Water Engineering and ScienceDRINKING WATER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE1996-9457
Roads and Bridges-Drogi i Mosty1643-1618
Drohiczyński Przegląd Naukowy. Wielokulturowe Studia Drohiczyńskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego2080-587X
Droit et CulturesDROIT ET CULTURES0247-9788