
Discipline filosoficheDISCIPLINE FILOSOFICHE1591-9625
Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and ComplexityDISCONTINUITY, NONLINEARITY, AND COMPLEXITY2164-6376
Discours Social: Analyse Du Discours et Sociocritique Des Textes0842-1420
Discours-Revue de Linguistique Psycholinguistique et InformatiqueDISCOURS-REVUE DE LINGUISTIQUE PSYCHOLINGUISTIQUE ET INFORMATIQUE1963-1723
Discourse & CommunicationDISCOURSE COMMUN1750-4813
Discourse and SocietyDISCOURSE SOC0957-9265
Discourse and InteractionDISCOURSE AND INTERACTION1802-9930
Discourse Context & MediaDISCOURSE CONTEXT & MEDIA2211-6958
Discourse ProcessesDISCOURSE PROCESS0163-853X
Discourse StudiesDISCOURSE STUD1461-4456
Discourse-Journal for Theoretical Studies in Media and CultureDISCOURSE-JOURNAL FOR THEORETICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA AND CULTURE1522-5321
Discourse-Studies in the Cultural Politics of EducationDISCOURSE-ABINGDON0159-6306
Discovery and InnovationDISCOV INNOVAT1015-079X
Discovery and Innovation
Discovery MedicineDISCOVERY MEDICINE1539-6509
Discrete and Computational GeometryDISCRETE COMPUT GEOM0179-5376
Discrete AnalysisDISCRETE ANALYSIS2397-3129
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical SystemsDISCRETE CONT DYN-A1078-0947
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series BDISCRETE CONT DYN-B1531-3492
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series SDISCRETE CONT DYN-S1937-1632
Discrete Applied MathematicsDISCRETE APPL MATH0166-218X
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and SocietyDISCRETE DYN NAT SOC1026-0226
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and ApplicationsDISCRETE EVENT DYN S0924-6703
Discrete MathematicsDISCRETE MATH0012-365X
Discrete Mathematics Algorithms and ApplicationsDISCRETE MATHEMATICS ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS1793-8309
Discrete Mathematics and ApplicationsDISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS0924-9265
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDISCRETE MATH THEOR1462-7264
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceDISCRETE MATH THEOR1365-8050
Discrete OptimizationDISCRETE OPTIM1572-5286
Discurso y SociedadDISCURSO Y SOCIEDAD1887-4606
Discursos FotograficosDISCURSOS FOTOGRAFICOS1808-5652
Discusiones FilosoficasDISCUSIONES FILOSOFICAS0124-6127
Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications1509-9415
Discussiones Mathematicae Differential Inclusions Control and Optimization1509-9407
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory1234-3099
Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics1509-9423
Discussiones Mathematicae. Probablility and Statistics
Disease ManagementDIS MANAGE1093-507X
Disease Management & Health OutcomesDIS MANAG HEALTH OUT1173-8790
Disease MarkersDIS MARKERS0278-0240
Disease Models & MechanismsDIS MODEL MECH1754-8403
Diseases of Aquatic OrganismsDIS AQUAT ORGAN0177-5103
Diseases of the Colon and RectumDIS COLON RECTUM0012-3706
Diseases of the EsophagusDIS ESOPHAGUS1120-8694
Disegnare Idee Immagini-Ideas ImagesDISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI-IDEAS IMAGES1123-9247
Diskus. the On-disk Journal of International Religious Studies0967-8948
Disparidades. Revista de AntropologíaDISPARIDADES. REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA2659-6881