
Computers and Industrial EngineeringCOMPUT IND ENG0360-8352
Computers and Mathematics with ApplicationsCOMPUT MATH APPL0898-1221
Computers and Operations ResearchCOMPUT OPER RES0305-0548
Computers and SecurityCOMPUT SECUR0167-4048
Computers and StructuresCOMPUT STRUCT0045-7949
Computers and CompositionCOMPUTERS AND COMPOSITION8755-4615
Computers and ConcreteCOMPUT CONCRETE1598-8198
Computers and EducationCOMPUT EDUC0360-1315
Computers and Electronics in AgricultureCOMPUT ELECTRON AGR0168-1699
Computers and GeotechnicsCOMPUT GEOTECH0266-352X
Computers and the History of Art1048-6798
Computers and the Humanities0010-4817
Computers Environment and Urban SystemsCOMPUT ENVIRON URBAN0198-9715
Computers in Biology and MedicineCOMPUT BIOL MED0010-4825
Computers in Education JournalCOMPUTERS IN EDUCATION JOURNAL1069-3769
Computers in EntertainmentCOMPUTERS IN ENTERTAINMENT1544-3574
Computers in Human BehaviorCOMPUT HUM BEHAV0747-5632
Computers in IndustryCOMPUT IND0166-3615
Computers in the SchoolsCOMPUTERS IN THE SCHOOLS0738-0569
Computing (Vienna/New York)COMPUTING0010-485X
Computing and Control Engineering
Computing and Control EngineeringCONTROL AUTOM0956-3385
Computing and InformaticsCOMPUT INFORM1335-9150
Computing and Visualization in ScienceCOMPUTING AND VISUALIZATION IN SCIENCE1432-9360
Computing in Musicology1057-9478
Computing in Science and EngineeringCOMPUT SCI ENG1521-9615
Comunicacao e SociedadeCOMUNICACAO E SOCIEDADE1645-2089
Comunicacao Midia e ConsumoCOMUNICACAO MIDIA E CONSUMO1806-4981
Comunicacio-Revista de Recerca i d AnalisiCOMUNICACIO-REVISTA DE RECERCA I D ANALISI2014-0304
Comunicacion y HombreCOMUNICACION Y HOMBRE1885-365X
Comunicacion y MediosCOMUNICACION Y MEDIOS0716-3991
Comunicacion y SociedadCOMUN SOC-NAVARRA0214-0039
Comunicacion y Sociedad (Mexico)COMUNICACION Y SOCIEDAD (MEXICO)0188-252X
Comunicacoes GeologicasCOMUNICACOES GEOLOGICAS0873-948X
Comunicata ScientiaeCOMUNICATA SCIENTIAE2176-9079
Comunicazione FilosoficaCOMUNICAZIONE FILOSOFICA1128-9082
Comunicazione PoliticaCOMUNICAZIONE POLITICA1594-6061
Comunicazioni SocialiCOMUNICAZIONI SOCIALI1827-7969
Comunidad y SaludCOMUNIDAD Y SALUD1690-3293
Con A de AnimacionCON A DE ANIMACION2173-6049
Con-ciencia Social1697-3127
Con-textos Kantianos-International Journal of PhilosophyCON-TEXTOS KANTIANOS-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY2386-7655
Concentric-Literary and Cultural StudiesCONCENTRIC-LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES1729-6897
Concentric-Studies in LinguisticsCONCENTRIC-STUDIES IN LINGUISTICS1810-7478
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part A: Bridging Education and ResearchCONCEPT MAGN RESON A1546-6086
Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance EngineeringCONCEPT MAGN RESON B1552-5031